3D Terrain Viewer not working after 5.1 Update?

Carlos Torrenegra

Pathloss Aficionado
I can?t use 3D terrain viewer after updating to 5.1... It keeps (Not Working), and closes the program, crashing..

Someone having same problem? found solution?, help deeply appreciated.

Have already downloaded latest build, no luck so far.


Ok, found out the problem, sharing to help others.

In Windows 10, this feature is not working well. Tested 5.1 in my previous windows 7, and it is all perfect.

Hoping that the pathloss dev team will fix it in the next update...
Hi Carlos

I no longer have a windows 7 machine and find the 3D will load under windows 10 but can't see to do anything and windows shows the process as not responding.

Is that what you experienced?

Do you know if there is any requirement for DirectX or other video/media drivers etc?

Cheers, Phil
Exactly Phil.. And nobody at PL even cared to leave a comment about the issue or anything after all this years.. PL is just a product that you just have to accept what it brings and that's all, no post sale service at all..

Let me know if you ever find the solution.

Thanks Carlos. I tried different PC configurations but all had windows 10 and still couldn't get it to work. I'll live without it.
I tried with the same pc, booting with Windows 7 it worked, booting with Windows 10 it never worked with any possible change in configuration you could imagine, so the problem is with the SW.
